
  • What's New In Quicktime 6.4 For Mac
    카테고리 없음 2020. 3. 22. 17:17

    Installing QuickTime 6.4 QuickTime 6.4 is available as a standalone download for Mac OS X version 10.2.5 and later. It is also included as a part of Mac OS X version 10.3 The download site is www.apple.com/quicktime/download/. Macintosh users can also use the Software Update mechanism in Mac OS X to update QuickTime 6.0, 6.0.1, 6.0.2, 6.1, 6.1.1, 6.2, or 6.3 to QuickTime 6.4.

    In this section: Hardware Requirements QuickTime 6.4 requires the following minimum hardware configuration:. Mac OS X version 10.2.5 or later. PowerPC G3 or better running at 400 MHz or higher.

    At least 128 MB of RAM Updating Earlier Versions QuickTime 6.4 replaces and updates various point releases of QuickTime 6 for Mac OS X. Important A Mac OS 9 version is not included in QuickTime 6.4. QuickTime 6.0.3 was the last Mac OS 9 version available to QuickTime users. The QuickTime 6.4 system software, including the QuickTime Player application, is a free upgrade for QuickTime 6 users. No new Pro key is required; QuickTime 6 Pro keys will unlock the Pro features of QuickTime 6.4.

    Last updated: 2003-09-01.

    QuickTime 6.4 API Reference In this section: Functions The functions new to the QuickTime 6.4 API are documented alphabetically in this section. AttachMovieToCurrentThread Attaches a movie to the current thread. OSErr AttachMovieToCurrentThread ( m); Parameters m The movie for this operation. Your application obtains this movie identifier from such functions as NewMovie, NewMovieFromFile, and NewMovieFromHandle.

    Return Value See “Error Codes” in the QuickTime API Reference. Returns noErr if there is no error.

    Version Notes Introduced in QuickTime 6.4. Availability. Carbon status: Supported; C interface file: Movies.h AttachTimeBaseToCurrentThread Attaches a time base to the current thread. OSErr AttachTimeBaseToCurrentThread ( tb); Parameters tb A time base. Return Value See “Error Codes” in the QuickTime API Reference. Returns noErr if there is no error.

    Version Notes Introduced in QuickTime 6.4. Availability.

    Carbon status: Supported; C interface file: Movies.h ClockGetRateChangeConstraints Obtains minimum and maximum delays that a clock could introduce during a rate change. ClockGetRateChangeConstraints ( aClock,.minimum,.maximum ); Parameters aClock Specifies the clock for the operation.

    Applications obtain this identifier from OpenComponent. Minimum A pointer to a TimeRecord structure that the clock will update with the minimum delay introduced during a rate change. You can pass NIL if you do not want to receive this information. Maximum A pointer to a TimeRecord structure that the clock will update with the maximum delay introduced during a rate change. You can pass NIL if you do not want to receive this information.

    Return Value See “Error Codes” in the QuickTime API Reference. Returns noErr if there is no error. Returns badComponentSelector if the component does not support the call.

    Version Notes Introduced in QuickTime 6.4. Availability.

    Carbon status: Supported; C interface file: QuickTimeComponents.h ClockGetTimeForRateChange Obtains the current rate change time according to a specific clock, a preferred time, and a safe increment duration. ClockGetTimesForRateChange ( aClock, fromRate, toRate,.currentTime,.preferredTime,.safeIncrementForPreferredTime ); Parameters aClock Specifies the clock for the operation. Applications obtain this identifier from OpenComponent. FromRate The clock rate you are starting from. ToRate The clock rate you are going to. CurrentTime A pointer to a TimeRecord structure that the clock will update with the current rate change time. You can pass NIL if you do not want to receive this information.

    PreferredTime A pointer to a TimeRecord structure that the clock will update with the next clock time at which the clock would prefer dependent time bases to perform the rate change. You can pass NIL if you do not want to receive this information. SafeIncrementForPreferredTime A pointer to a TimeRecord structure that the clock will update with the increment between preferred times for the rate change. If this increment is nonzero, multiples of it may be added to the preferredTime value to calculate future preferred times. You can pass NIL if you do not want to receive this information.

    Return Value See “Error Codes” in the QuickTime API Reference. Returns noErr if there is no error.

    Discussion The preferredTime parameter indicates a better choice than the current time to have a rate transition fromRate to toRate. But the clock cannot expect the interesting time to be the one used when the rate changes.

    The safeIncrementForPreferredTime indicates that the preferred time can be incremented by this value (and any multiple of it) and still be safe to use. Version Notes Introduced in QuickTime 6.4. Availability.

    Carbon status: Supported; C interface file: QuickTimeComponents.h ConvertDataRefToMovieDataRef Converts a piece of data in a storage location to a movie file format and stores it in another storage location, supporting a user settings dialog box for import operations. OSErr ConvertDataRefToMovieDataRef ( Handle inputDataRef, OSType inputDataRefType, Handle outputDataRef, OSType outputDataRefType, OSType creator, long flags, userComp, proc, long refCon ); Parameters inputDataRef A data reference that specifies the storage location of the source data. InputDataRefType The type of the input data reference. OutputDataRef A data reference that specified the storage location to receive the converted data. OutputDataRefType The type of the output data reference. Creator The creator type of the output storage location.

    Flags Flags that control the operation of the dialog box. CreateMovieFileDeleteCurFile Indicates whether to delete an existing file. If you set this flag to 1, the Movie Toolbox deletes the file (if it exists) before converting the new movie file. If you set this flag to 0 and the file specified by the inputDataRef and outputDataRef parameters already exists, the Movie Toolbox uses the existing file. In this case, the toolbox ensures that the file has both data.

    MovieToFileOnlyExport If this bit is set and the showUserSettingsDialog bit is set, the Save As dialog box restricts the user to those file formats that are supported by movie data export components. MovieFileSpecValid If this bit is set and the showUserSettingsDialog bit is set, the name of the outputDataRef parameter is used as the default name of the exported file in the Save As dialog box. ShowUserSettingsDialog Controls whether the user settings dialog box for the specified import operation can appear. Set this flag to 1 to display the user settings dialog box. UserComp An instance of a component to be used for converting the movie data. Proc A progress callback function; see MovieProgressProc in the QuickTime API Reference. RefCon A reference constant to be passed to your callback.


    Use this parameter to point to a data structure containing any information your function needs. Return Value See “Error Codes” in the QuickTime API Reference. Returns noErr if there is no error. Discussion This function converts a piece of data in a storage location into a movie and stores into another storage location. Both the input and the output storage locations are specified through data references.

    If the storage location is on a local file system, the file will have the specified creator. If specified as such in the flags, the function displays a dialog box that lets the user to choose the output file and the export type. If an export component (or its instance) is specified in userComp, it will be used for the conversion operation. Version Notes Introduced in QuickTime 6.4. Availability. Carbon status: Supported; C interface file: Movies.h ConvertMovieToDataRef Converts a specified movie (or a single track within a movie) into a specified file format and stores it in a specified storage location.

    What's New In Quicktime 6.4 For Mac Download

    OSErr ConvertMovieToDataRef ( theMovie, onlyTrack, Handle dataRef, OSType dataRefType, OSType fileType, OSType creator, long flags, userComp ); Parameters theMovie The movie for this operation. Your application obtains this movie identifier from such functions as NewMovie, NewMovieFromFile, and NewMovieFromHandle. OnlyTrack The track in the source movie, if you want to convert only a single track. DataRef A data reference that specifies the storage location to receive the converted movie data. DataRefType The type of data reference. This function currently supports only alias data references. FileType The Mac OS file type of the storage location, which determines the export format.

    Creator The creator type of the storage location. Flags Flags (see below)that control the operation of the dialog box. ShowUserSettingsDialog If this bit is set, the Save As dialog box will be displayed to allow the user to choose the type of file to export to, as well as the file name to export to. MovieToFileOnlyExport If this bit is set and the showUserSettingsDialog bit is set, the Save As dialog box restricts the user to those file formats that are supported by movie data export components.

    MovieFileSpecValid If this bit is set and the showUserSettingsDialog bit is set, the name field of the dataRef parameter is used as the default name of the exported file in the Save As dialog box. UserComp An instance of the component to be used for converting the movie data. Return Value See “Error Codes” in the QuickTime API Reference. Returns noErr if there is no error. Discussion If the storage location is on a local file system, the file will have the specified file type and the creator.

    If specified as such in the flags, the function displays a dialog box that lets the user choose the output file and the export type. If an export component (or its instance) is specified in the userComp parameter, it will be used to perform the conversion operation. Version Notes Introduced in QuickTime 6.4. Availability. Carbon status: Supported; C interface file: Movies.h ConvertTimeToClockTime Converts a time record in a time base to clock time. Void ConvertTimeToClockTime (.time ); Parameters time The TimeRecord structure to be converted. It must contain a valid time base; otherwise it remains untouched.

    Discussion The result of this call has no meaning it the time base rate is 0. Version Notes Introduced in QuickTime 6.4. Availability.

    Carbon status: Supported; C interface file: Movies.h DetachMovieFromCurrentThread Detaches a movie from the current thread. OSErr DetachMovieFromCurrentThread ( m); Parameters m The movie for this operation. Your application obtains this movie identifier from such functions as NewMovie, NewMovieFromFile, and NewMovieFromHandle. Return Value See “Error Codes” in the QuickTime API Reference. Returns noErr if there is no error. Version Notes Introduced in QuickTime 6.4.

    What's New In Quicktime 6.4 For Mac Free

    Availability. Carbon status: Supported; C interface file: Movies.h DetachTimeBaseFromCurrentThread Detaches a time base from the current thread. OSErr DetachTimeBaseFromCurrentThread ( tb); Parameters tb A time base. Return Value See “Error Codes” in the QuickTime API Reference. Returns noErr if there is no error. Version Notes Introduced in QuickTime 6.4.

    Availability. Carbon status: Supported; C interface file: Movies.h EnterMoviesOnThread Indicates that the client will be using QuickTime on the current thread. OSErr EnterMoviesOnThread (UInt32 inFlags); Parameters inFlags Flags indicating how the executing thread will be using QuickTime. Setting the thread mode is a convenience provided by this function. Pass 0 for the default options. KQTEnterMoviesFlagDontSetComponentsThreadMode Public state.

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